Rapid tests, also known as rapid diagnostic tests or RDTs, are easy-to-use tests that provide quick results, usually in 20 minutes or less. Unlike most standard tests, which have to be sent to a lab, rapid tests are done and provide results at the point of care.
1 | HIV(I) & HIV(II) | 15-20 minutes |
2 | HBsAg | 15-20 minutes |
3 | Dengue IgG/IgM, NsIAg | 15-20 minutes |
4 | Malarial antigen | 15-20 minutes |
5 | Kalazar Serology | 15-20 minutes |
6 | Anti-HCV | 15-20 minutes |
7 | Hepatitis B virus (HBV) Test | 15-20 minutes |
8 | Leptospira IgG/IgM | 15-20 minutes |
9 | Treponema Pallidum Haemagglutination (TPHA) | 15-20 minutes |
10 | Stool H.Pylori Antigen | 15-20 minutes |
11 | Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) Test Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) Test | 15-20 minutes |
12 | Widal Test | 15-20 minutes |
13 | Scrub Typhus | 15-20 minutes |
14 | Stool for Occult Blood | 15-20 minutes |
15 | VDRL/RPR | 15-20 minutes |
16 | Troponin | 15-20 minutes |
17 | Brucella Antigen | 15-20 minutes |