Paschimanchal Diagnostic & Research Centre Pvt. Ltd.  

“Since 2069”

 Pokhara-10, Ramghat, Kaski

061-588460, 9856025919, 9844914148

                                  24-Hours Service

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PDRC is providing all laboratory and video x-ray services in Pokhara & nearby areas by using latest most reliable technology ( High Quality Results) at affordable price within short period of tiime.

PDRC is providing all laboratory and video x-ray services in Pokhara & nearby areas by using latest most reliable technology ( High Quality Results) at affordable price within short period of time.

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PDRC uses fully automated analysers machine with high efficiency to provide high-quality laboratory results at a faster rate within a minimum span of time.

PDRC uses fully automated analysers machine with high efficiency to provide high-quality laboratory results at a faster rate within a minimum span of time.

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Welcome to Paschimanchal Diagnostic and Research Centre Pvt. Ltd. We are committed to provide accurate and reliable diagnostic facilities at an affordable price. Screening and diagnosis are outmost important for healthy lifestyle and better living. As the director of this laboratory and research centre, I firmly believe in availability and accessibility of laboratory diagnostic facilities to every common individuals at an affordable price since 2013. We shall always be focused on providing quality health services to our patients, society and country.

Our Team

Purushottam Subedi


MscMLT Clinical biochemistry


Dr. Bishwaraj Baral, MBBS MD

Consultant Pathologist

Dr. Krishna Timilsina, MBBS MD

Consultant Radiologist

Dr. Suman Poudel, MBBS MD

Consultant Pathologist

Rajan Poudel

Medical Microbiologist

Suman Adhikari

Clinical Biochemist

Dinesh Giri

Administrative Officer/IT Officer

Veshraj Parajuli

Laboratory  Assistant

Manju Pun

Laboratory Assistant

Amuna Malla

Medical Lab Technician

Barshan Lamichanne

Medical Lab Assistant

Kajal Shrestha

Medical Lab Technician

Shristi Rana Magar

Laboratory Assistant/ Receptionist

Abin Gurung

Market Representative

Sanjay Kumal

Market Representative

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Branch Office

Paschimanchal Diagnostic & Research Centre Talchowk

Pokhara-27, Talchowk, Kaski

                           Authorized Sample Collection

         Paschimanchal Diagnostic & Research Centre Pvt. Ltd.

                              Hospital Chowk, Gorkha

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